can't send email with URL in message - 17099 error



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: pop

Hi -

Had no big problem before today, but now we can't send an e-mail if there is a URL in the message. Works fine if the URL is taken out.

In other words, we can't send an e-mail with something like "" anywhere in the message. If you put a space before or after the "dot" it is OK. I am not sending any attachments with these.

Our FSP was Verizon, but they sold the local business recently to Fairpoint. This problem turned up rarely over the past month, but now it is all the time. Fairpoint says it is a Mac or Entourage problem.

The error message is something like "message does not meet standards"

Any ideas?

Thanks, Phil

Ed Kimball

Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: pop

Hi -

Had no big problem before today, but now we can't send an e-mail if there is a
URL in the message. Works fine if the URL is taken out.

In other words, we can't send an e-mail with something like ""
anywhere in the message. If you put a space before or after the "dot" it is
OK. I am not sending any attachments with these.

Our FSP was Verizon, but they sold the local business recently to Fairpoint.
This problem turned up rarely over the past month, but now it is all the time.
Fairpoint says it is a Mac or Entourage problem.

The error message is something like "message does not meet standards"

Any ideas?

Thanks, Phil

I send messages with URLs frequently and have never had this problem. Has
anyone else seen it?

Can you post a sample message (with a space before the . if necessary) so we
can see what one looks like.


Ed -

I just discovered it is only my domain that can't be sent (other dot coms are fine). I talked with Entourage, they said it must be the ISP server.

Then spent an hour with the ISP. We discovered it can be sent through their web mail program, just not through Entourage (tried Mail, no luck either). If our domain does not appear in the text, no problem sending the message. They said to call Apple.

Here's the message Entourage returns: "This message does not comply with standards . . . Mail could not be sent . . . -17099"

We need to send out links that include our URL, so this is a problem!

Ed Kimball

Ed -

I just discovered it is only my domain that can't be sent (other dot coms are
fine). I talked with Entourage, they said it must be the ISP server.

Then spent an hour with the ISP. We discovered it can be sent through their
web mail program, just not through Entourage (tried Mail, no luck either). If
our domain does not appear in the text, no problem sending the message. They
said to call Apple.

Here's the message Entourage returns: "This message does not comply with
standards . . . Mail could not be sent . . . -17099"

We need to send out links that include our URL, so this is a problem!

Wow! That is a problem!

I'm not sure what Apple will be able to do to identify the problem. It seems
almost certain that it is some incompatibility between Entourage and your
ISP. I'm not sure how to figure out what it is about your ISP that makes it
incompatible with Entourage when others work fine.

I hope one of the MVPs can suggest a way to track the communications to pin
down the problem.

Adam Bailey

Then spent an hour with the ISP. We discovered it can be sent through their
web mail program, just not through Entourage (tried Mail, no luck either). If
our domain does not appear in the text, no problem sending the message. They
said to call Apple.

Here's the message Entourage returns: "This message does not comply with
standards . . . Mail could not be sent . . . -17099"

We need to send out links that include our URL, so this is a problem!

Talk to your ISP again, this is an error that they are generating. The
problem is with them. That it may work with their webmail is irrelevant
- their webmail uses a different server from Entourage and other email

Check to make sure you're using the right SMTP server and the right
authentication settings.

Diane Ross


William Smith [MVP]

Ed said:
Wow! That is a problem!

I'm not sure what Apple will be able to do to identify the problem. It seems
almost certain that it is some incompatibility between Entourage and your
ISP. I'm not sure how to figure out what it is about your ISP that makes it
incompatible with Entourage when others work fine.

I hope one of the MVPs can suggest a way to track the communications to pin
down the problem.

I agree with Ed and Adam. This is a problem with the ISP. The message
you're receiving is not an Entourage message but a server message that
Entourage is passing through to you.

Possibly, an outgoing spam filter that's too tight?

Create a test account that you can offer the ISP's tech support. Ask
them to set up the account on Windows or whatever they use and test

Good luck!



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