Can't send mail



I'm having a probem within Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5606) that I thought I had
gotten rid of but now is recurring. Basically it's this: If if compose a
message and send it, it of course goes to my Outbox first. If I then recall
something I want to change or add to that message, I'll re-open it, edit it
and send it. And if I do that, that's it. If I hit Send/Recive, it goes
nowhere. I can no longer send that particular email. It's almost as if the
act of editing it after I send it (and it's in the Outbox) somehow corrupts
it. I can't copy that message, put it in Word and then paste it into a new
message. I have to re-type the whole damn thing. I have seen this over and
over and over again. Does anybody know about this and a fix?


This glitch was fixed in one of the Office updates. Visit the Office web site
and scan your setup to see what updates you missed. Meantime, if you move the
item out of the Outbox, edit and resend, it will work.


I scanned for updates and appear to have them all. This problem still occurs.
Not always, but especialy when I respond to something, or go back in and
re-edit something. The only fix that seems to work is if I move it out, edit
and re-send. This seems - at best - suboptimal.

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