Can't sent word files



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC

When attaching a word file the receiver doesn't get my mail at all.
This started months ago, when I received a word-file, asking if I would like to open it with makro. As I knew the sender I said yes.
Since that I can't even send a word file by bluetooth.
What can I do?

Adam Bailey

When attaching a word file the receiver doesn't get my mail at all.
This started months ago, when I received a word-file, asking if I would like
to open it with makro. As I knew the sender I said yes.

Is this one recipient or several? Have you tried CCing a third party?
Since that I can't even send a word file by bluetooth.

That would be a completely separate issue. Please be more specific.


This happens with almost every recipient. Hotmail adresses will mostly receive mail and the attached file - but nobody else. And that happens also when I am CCing a third party!

And yesterday, when not being able to send a word-file, I tried to send it by bluetooth. That wouldn't work. But when I would sent the document as a pdf, it would!

Rob Schneider

1. Bluetooth is normally a fancy-named technology that simply is a
radio-based communication between hardware devices that are in close
proximity, e.g. computer to keyboard, mice, mobile phones. It is not
normally a way to "email" someone. If sending a document via
"bluetooth" you are sending it to a device, e.g. your phone? It is not
email. Sending email via blue tooth makes no sense to me (but perhaps
I'm missing something) and I belive is a red herring here.

2. If you are using your web browser to send attached files via Hot
Mail, read the instructions for using Hot Mail. It is an inter-net based
service that you communicate with via your web browser. It has nothing
to do with Word, Office, or whatever. It's simply your browser and the
Hot Mail service. Again--read Hot Mails instructions for sending
attachments and do what they say.

2a. If the attachments are not received by others, it could be that the
email service they use are dropping the files? It probably is their
problem, not yours. Sometimes people setup aggressive filtering to
remove attachments from incoming mail because of the security risks.
These are sometimes done by the peope themselves (accidently or on
purpose) or by their IT department.

2b. Sometimes you can bypass those filters imposed by others by
compressing our file into a zip file.



I am not e-mailing the word document by bluetooth. I just mentioned this because it seems that something happened to my "word" as other Macs refuse to receive word files even by bluetooth.
Sending a word document to an hotmail adress works. But to no one else!!
I do have a "propper" e-mail adress and changed server a week ago... But nothing changed regarding the possibility to send word documents.

And I already tried to sent the files as a zip file. Nothing changes...

But it is important to know, that I can sent excel-files, pdf-files... Pictures... Everything to the same accounts that refuse my word files...

What more to do? HELP!
What might it be, that the word documents, that I am sending are ending up in Spam??

Rob Schneider

Is the problem you cannot "send", or that they cannot "receive"?????
I'm confused.

What happens when you send it to your own email address?



Sorry for my english...
The problem is for others to receive!
When I now tried to send to my own e-mail adress I am getting this massage:
"Sorry, the virused mail is detected (#5.6.0)"...
Oh oh...
What to do now?
Thanks, Nina

Rob Schneider

Sort of explains it all, doesn't it. My advice: rebuild the machine
from scratch. Reformat it and reinstall everything.


Adam Bailey

This happens with almost every recipient. Hotmail adresses will mostly
receive mail and the attached file - but nobody else. And that happens also
when I am CCing a third party!

Talk to your ISP. Have them check the mail server logs.
And yesterday, when not being able to send a word-file, I tried to send it by
bluetooth. That wouldn't work. But when I would sent the document as a pdf,
it would!

You're still not being specific enough here. What happens when you try?
What is your Bluetooth setup?

Adam Bailey

Rob said:
Sort of explains it all, doesn't it. My advice: rebuild the machine
from scratch. Reformat it and reinstall everything.

I wouldn't recommend that at this time. Or really ever.

Adam Bailey

When I now tried to send to my own e-mail adress I am getting this massage:
"Sorry, the virused mail is detected (#5.6.0)"...

Talk to your ISP/email provider.

How many Word files are you having difficulty with? It's theoretically
possible you could be dealing with a Word file that has a macro virus
in it.

Rob Schneider

But I do. Sorry.

My hypothesis is that we cannot tell tell what malware software has done
to the machine. It's so simple to start again, why not?


Adam Bailey

Rob Schneider said:
But I do. Sorry.

My hypothesis is that we cannot tell tell what malware software has done
to the machine. It's so simple to start again, why not?

Because this is a Mac. That's not how we solve problems on the Mac.

At most we create a new user account in OS X.


When I now tried to send to my own e-mail adress I am getting this massage:
"Sorry, the virused mail is detected (#5.6.0)"...

Talk to your ISP/email provider.

How many Word files are you having difficulty with? It's theoretically
possible you could be dealing with a Word file that has a macro virus
in it.

It is every word-file I try to send. If the reason is a macro virus – what can I do? Reinstall word? But what happens than with the old files?

Adam Bailey

Talk to your ISP/email provider.

How many Word files are you having difficulty with? It's theoretically
possible you could be dealing with a Word file that has a macro virus
in it.

It is every word-file I try to send. If the reason is a macro virus – what
can I do? Reinstall word? But what happens than with the old files?[/QUOTE]

Just talk to your ISP first. Macro viruses are rare, but they do exist.
Reinstalling word won't fix that, the files would need to be

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