Can't sign in to Windows Discussion



When I first began using Vista, I was able to access Windows Discussion with
no problem. Then I suddenly began having problems signing in. The "sign in"
button would still be there, no matter how many times I signed in.
Discovered public access, but still couldn't open some threads. Read about
using F5, hitting the back button, deleting cookies, starting without
add-ons, but none worked for me. Read about using my email, but I don't use
OE, and I see nothing for Windows Mail.

Trying to read a thread, even through public access, is a hit or miss thing.
I still can't open a thread with one click. Sometimes I can double-click,
and it opens in a separate window. Sometimes not.

I would just like to know when all of these "fixes" won't be needed, and I
can just sign in through the Discussions normal channel like in the
beginning. Please skip the smart remarks. I'm really frustrated with this.

John W. Vinson

When I first began using Vista, I was able to access Windows Discussion with
no problem. Then I suddenly began having problems signing in. The "sign in"
button would still be there, no matter how many times I signed in.
Discovered public access, but still couldn't open some threads. Read about
using F5, hitting the back button, deleting cookies, starting without
add-ons, but none worked for me. Read about using my email, but I don't use
OE, and I see nothing for Windows Mail.

Trying to read a thread, even through public access, is a hit or miss thing.
I still can't open a thread with one click. Sometimes I can double-click,
and it opens in a separate window. Sometimes not.

I would just like to know when all of these "fixes" won't be needed, and I
can just sign in through the Discussions normal channel like in the
beginning. Please skip the smart remarks. I'm really frustrated with this.

Well... sorry if this is seen as a "smart remark", but you're posting in the
wrong place. "microsoft.public.access" is not a "public access channel", it's
a newsgroup for the database software Microsoft Access.

I would suggest avoiding the websites completely if you want to connect to the
newsgroups (I'm not sure if that's what you mean by "discussion"). The
newsgroups exist on NNTP, which does NOT need any sort of web interface; you
can use Windows Mail as a newsgroup reader, or (better, IMO) get a thirdparty
newsreader such as Agent.

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