Can't stop a clock



I have a clock on a userform that shows the time since the race started (now
- start time). The clock works fine but I would like to be able to stop the

This is the code that runs the clock

In the userform1 section

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
End Sub

And in the module1 section

Sub Main()
Load UserForm1
End Sub

Sub RClock1()
Start = Sheets("Timing Sheet").Range("B6")
Watch = Now - Start
UserForm1.RaceClock1.Text = Format(Watch, "hh:mm:ss")
NextTick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Application.OnTime NextTick, "RClock1"
End Sub

I tried to write code to stop the clock from a command button (Exit1). This
is it.

In userform1 section

Private Sub Exit1_Click()
Call StopC
End Sub

In the module1 section

Sub StopC()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime NextTick, "RClock1", , False
End Sub

Does not work. I'm assuming the fact that the clock function is working with
spreadsheets is causing me hassles. Anybody got a better way. Thanks.

Dave Peterson

Check your other post.
I have a clock on a userform that shows the time since the race started (now
- start time). The clock works fine but I would like to be able to stop the

This is the code that runs the clock

In the userform1 section

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
End Sub

And in the module1 section

Sub Main()
Load UserForm1
End Sub

Sub RClock1()
Start = Sheets("Timing Sheet").Range("B6")
Watch = Now - Start
UserForm1.RaceClock1.Text = Format(Watch, "hh:mm:ss")
NextTick = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Application.OnTime NextTick, "RClock1"
End Sub

I tried to write code to stop the clock from a command button (Exit1). This
is it.

In userform1 section

Private Sub Exit1_Click()
Call StopC
End Sub

In the module1 section

Sub StopC()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime NextTick, "RClock1", , False
End Sub

Does not work. I'm assuming the fact that the clock function is working with
spreadsheets is causing me hassles. Anybody got a better way. Thanks.

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