Hi Yuri,
There are a couple of scenarios that can cause this. One of the most common is a corrupted activation file, another is the software
not 'passing' one of the MS Genuine Advantage checks for Windows or Office (and those aren't always correct <g>).
With all of the Office apps close and in a profile that has administrator privileges, use Start=>Run to search for the file
opa12.dat and rename it to opa12.old, then restart the PC and open Word to see if you can activate Office 2007.
1. I did not install over previous version. I still have Office 2003.
2. I think 2007 was activated. This was the last step of installation as far
as i remember. Besides, I can create and edit Excel files. So it means both
activation and expiration topics are irrelevant. Anway, how can I check if it
was activated or not?
3. The trial Office 2007 just became available only past week and you have
60 days expiration it could not expire. Even if it did expire and even I were
still able to open Word there should've been a popup message saying the trial
version has expired and I can only see files as read-only. This is user
interface design 101. When I cancel this message and tried to type something
in, then the 'Locked' message at the bottom is appropriate. But nothing says
the trial version is expired because it's not.
4. I never used Tools, Protect in previous version. >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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