Stymied! Bought a used desktop from a friend and added a second hard drive.
Now Office Pro 2003 applications are not working. Can't reinstall since I
don't own the disc, but I do own STE edition 2003 so I decided to just
uninstall Pro. Using Add/Remove programs, windows installer launches,
"preparing to remove", and then I get the following error: "This patch
package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that
you can access it, or contact....blah blah". I have no idea what this means,
or what other way I can remove Pro and just install STE. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks!
Now Office Pro 2003 applications are not working. Can't reinstall since I
don't own the disc, but I do own STE edition 2003 so I decided to just
uninstall Pro. Using Add/Remove programs, windows installer launches,
"preparing to remove", and then I get the following error: "This patch
package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and that
you can access it, or contact....blah blah". I have no idea what this means,
or what other way I can remove Pro and just install STE. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks!