Can't use font FFIL



I upgraded from Office X to Office 2004 a couple of months ago .
Everything was going just fine until I tried to use a FFIL font called
SILManuscript IPA 93 and noticed that both WORD and POWER POINT do
not recognize it . The font is there in my pallete and in the FONT
menu but it is substituted by Times New Roman whenever Ì try to use
it. I had no problems using this font with Office X. I have checked
and the font is installed in:

applications/microsoft Office 2004/office/fonts

and it has not been duplicated.

I can use the font in AppleWorks 6 without a problem.

I use an iBook G3 and an iMac G4 both running Panther 10.3.6.

Can someone help me please since Microsoft's support team in Brazil
have been unable to come up with a solution?

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