mike mullins
i have outlook express set up to view comcast's giganews.
i can view about 30% of posts with images. the rest just
open with a lot of gobbledy gook like this;
=@ =M !"#$+*-+++++++++******+,-
OABCDPQRST_`abcdmnopqrst}~?,f"Z''""zY ¡¢£¤¬®¯°
=M !"#$)ê*;2
can i do anything about this?
i can view about 30% of posts with images. the rest just
open with a lot of gobbledy gook like this;
=@ =M !"#$+*-+++++++++******+,-
OABCDPQRST_`abcdmnopqrst}~?,f"Z''""zY ¡¢£¤¬®¯°
=M !"#$)ê*;2
can i do anything about this?