capitalization in word of access data via mail merge



I use word 2000 and access 2000. In access, I create all caps by using > in
the format section of my table. When I merge labels in word using the mail
merge feature, with access data as the source, the labels come out lower or
initial case.

Q. The result I want is for fields [firstlast], [address], and [city state]
when I print in word via mail merge to come out as all caps.

I am not familiar with vba, basic or other programming language.
Guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Doug Robbins

Use Alt+F9 to toggle on the display of the field codes and add the \*
Charformat switch to the mergefields and format the m of Mailmerge (using
Format>Font) to be All Capitals.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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