Snow Bunny
I work on medical reports. Many times, a sentence will end with a date, like
The patient was seen in consultation on March 20, 2004.
The problem I have is the first letter of the next sentence is never
capitalized unless I press the Shift key:
The patient was seen in consultation on March 20, 2004. he presented as a
I would like Word to automatically capitalize the next word, like it does
when a word precedes the period. Is there any setting to have this done
automatically, or is this one of those "flaws" in Word?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
The patient was seen in consultation on March 20, 2004.
The problem I have is the first letter of the next sentence is never
capitalized unless I press the Shift key:
The patient was seen in consultation on March 20, 2004. he presented as a
I would like Word to automatically capitalize the next word, like it does
when a word precedes the period. Is there any setting to have this done
automatically, or is this one of those "flaws" in Word?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.