Caps Lock & Select On



I've read the other caps lock problems and they are similar to my problem but
still different. At least once per session, whether in word or excel,
suddenly the function of the caps lock key is reversed - on (light on) caps
are off and off (light off) the caps are on. This seems to happen by itself,
but I could be hitting a combination of wrong keys. I have tried to do it on
purpose or retrace my steps and can't figure it out. About half the time the
cursor turns to select and seems to get worse as I try to undo the problem.
I end up typing in caps or selecting whole paragraphs or blocks of cells with
a weirdly unresponsive cursor. I have to restart to make it go away. What's


Hi Larry -

Although anything is _possible_ it's highly unlikely that anything about
Word or Excel are responsible for this type of behavior. The first thing I
would suspect is some sort of 3rd party utility, add-in or haxie - maybe
even a virus program.

It could also be OS or hardware related, but you mention nothing about
versions of Office or OS, what type of Mac, alternative keyboard/mouse,
etc. - in fact, it isn't even clear whether you're using a Mac or a PC.
Without detailed descriptive information it's impossible to offer any
responsible approaches.

JE McGimpsey

larry said:
Here is more: HP Laptop, XP, Office 2003

While I can't think of what would cause this, you should probably post
somewhere other than a newsgroup dedicated to Mac XL.

Perhaps microsoft.public.excel.misc


Thanks. I didn't know how these groups worked. I just did a search for caps
lock and asked a question when I found a whole bunch of questions about caps

Clive Huggan

Yeah, it's not your fault, Larry -- that set-up is a dog's breakfast and
people on Windows OSes often land in here unknowingly. Problem is, the
answer to a Windows fault is probably profoundly different in the Mac OS.

Clive Huggan

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