Caps Lock & Select



I've read the other caps lock problems and they are similar to my problem but
still different. At least once per session, whether in word or excel,
suddenly the function of the caps lock key is reversed - on (light on) caps
are off and off (light off) the caps are on. This seems to happen by itself,
but I could be hitting a combination of wrong keys. I have tried to do it on
purpose or retrace my steps and can't figure it out. About half the time
when this happens the cursor turns to select and seems to get worse as I try
to undo the problem. I end up typing in caps or selecting whole paragraphs
or blocks of cells with a weirdly unresponsive cursor. I have to restart to
make it go away. What's

Using: HP Laptop, XP, Office 2003, Logitech wireless.

Terry Farrell

I'd suggest that this is a Logitech wireless problem. Check in the Logitech
documentation and settings. I bet there is a keyboard button or combination
that triggers something on the keyboard. Whatever it is, is conflicting with
the Windows settings. I am pretty confident this has nothing to do with Word
or Excel.


I'd suggest that this is a Logitech wireless problem. Check in the Logitech
documentation and settings. I bet there is a keyboard button or combination
that triggers something on the keyboard. Whatever it is, is conflicting with
the Windows settings. I am pretty confident this has nothing to do with Word
or Excel.

I am having this same issue. The caps come on, quite a few characters
no longer work properly... and "whole selection" when in Word or even
the web happens. If you click a link, it ALWAYS opens a new window
during this time. I suspect it is a combination of keys as well, but
I don't know what keys those are. I use a wireless mouse also, but it
is Microsoft. I have gone without the mouse..... still have the
problem. Mine is on a laptop, which seems to make it easier to
accidently hit whatever combination causes this issue. Any
suggestions yet?


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