Caption Formating in Word 2007



In Word 2007, when I go to References>Insert Caption with a graphic selected,
a caption in inserted with a bold Segoe font. I want to change this font so
it is not bold, but I can't see how to do it. I see options for changing the
numbering etc. but I just want to change the default caption font for
pictures and tables to be Segoe, blue, 9 pt. Anyone know how to accomplish

Herb Tyson [MVP]

You want to change the default formatting for the Caption style.

Click in a caption, then find Caption in the Styles gallery (in the Home
ribbon tab), right-click on it, and choose Modify. Change the font as
desired, then (assuming you want this in all documents based on the current
template [probably normal.dotm]), select "New documents based on this
template" near the bottom, then click OK.

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