caption in a table cell



I've created a table and given it a title using captions. Now I want
to insert a caption into the first column of each row of the table.
When I place my cursor in a cell and go to Insert - Reference -
Caption, Word 2003 selects the entire table and only allows the new
caption to go either above or below the table, but not in the table

Is there any way to put a caption in an individual table cell?


I'm not sure what a "wrapped" table is. Text wraps within each cell.
My problem happens even when I just create a test table in a blank
document and try to insert a caption in a cell.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Okay, I've tried this, and I get the same result. Insert the caption above
or below, then cut and paste into the table. Sorry.

Tony Jollans

An inserted caption is logically related to the captioned object - inside a
cell what is the object you are trying to caption?

You can add a caption to, say, a picture in a cell. You can manually create
something which looks like a caption in an (otherwise) empty cell. What is
it that you are trying to achieve?



That works for me!! I created a caption outside the table and then
pasted it inside that table on multiple rows. Hitting F9 forces an
update to the number in the field code. Thanks very much.

In reference to Tony's email, I'm an engineer trying to make a simple
test case matrix in a table. Each row of my table defines a test case.
I'm simply using the caption as an identifying mark for the
information in the row of the table. Then in the text of the document
I can use cross-reference to refer to specific test cases in the table.
Captions ensures that if I insert new test cases, that my cross
references are still valid. There are database applications that
support this type of thing but Word is excellent for doing this on a
smaller scale.

Eventually I'd like to "freeze" my captions (with their numeric IDs)
somewhat like "paste as value" in excel, but that's something for
another day.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

Good use. SEQ fields alone, of course, would provide updating numbers, but
an actual caption label does facilitate cross-references.

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