caption labeling with chapter #s



I am labeling the Figures in my document with a caption like this: Figure

The 4.2.4 is a Heading 3 style and used for this numbering this particular
figure-- but in later figures within the same document, I want to based the
numbering (chapter) on a Heading 4 style, i.e.,, but it won't
work. If I change to format with a Heading 4 style, all the figure captions
revert to this style. How do you base one figure numbering on style heading
1, and the other figure numbering based on heading 2?

Margaret Aldis

Hi yepp

The first question I would ask is 'are you sure you want to do this?' In
most cases, it will be a lot simpler for your readers if you number
sequentially through the document, or maybe within chapter. For ease of
finding cross-referenced figures, you could add the page number, rather than
relying on finding a low level section.

If however there is some reason why you must do this then there are two
possibilities. One is to create a second caption of your own, using a
different caption numbering setup. You can't call this 'Figure', but you can
call it 'Figure ' (extra space) or you can use 'My label' and do a search
and replace afterwards to replace 'My label' with 'Figure'.

The other possibility is to edit the fields inserted by the Insert Caption
command. If you toggle the field codes you will see that the heading number
is inserted as a STYLEREF field refering to a heading level. You could
change these in one section to refer to a lower level, or you could do that
on one example field and then save the entire caption as AutoText. Then in
this section, use the AutoText instead of Insert Caption.

Hope this helps

Shauna Kelly

Hi yepp

You can do this, but only if you trick Word a bit.

The technique is described at That page describes how to set up
two lots of figure numbering, for Heading 1 (under "Captions in the document") and Heading 6 (under "Captions in the Appendixes").
Follow that, but apply the idea to Heading 3 and Heading 4 to suit your needs.

Hope this helps. Post back if you get stuck.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

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