captioning photos and keeping together



I've been using MS Word (2003) to create web pages with embedded
photos. I insert the photos (Insert/Picture/From File/...) and set the
formatting so that the text flows around the photo either right or left
adjusted (Format Picture/Layout/Square/Right or Left) and this works
fine. However, I've always wanted to be able to label the photos with
a caption and that has proved to be problematic.

Since there is no simple way to attach a caption to a photo, someone
suggested using a text box and placing it below the photo. I tried
that and then grouped the photo and the text box to keep them together.
Unfortunately, when I do that Word converts the photo, which is a
JPEG, and the text box, which is a GIF, into a combined GIF. That
doesn't work well because the GIF format is not suitable for a photo.

So when grouping didn't work, I figured I could just just align the
text box below the photo and individually set both the photo and
associated text box to right or left adjusted (Format
Picture/Layout/Square/Right or Left). This works but only about 80% of
the time. The other 20% of the time text that is supposed to flow
around both the photo and text box ends up with a line inserted between
the photo and the text box. That, of course, leaves a rather peculiar
looking photo caption separated from the photo by a line of text. This
is a case of what you see isn't what you get. The caption looks fine
in Word but not in the browser display.

So does anyone have any other idea of how this could be done? Of
course, it would be possible to create the JPEG with the caption
embedded in the JPEG itself but that's a pretty inflexible solution for
something that looks like it should be easy. Note that this text box
"solution" is what Word uses for figures/table captions (eg, Figure 1,
Figure 2, etc) with the Insert/Reference/Caption.


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