Captions Freezing




I'm currently having some trouble with captions in a word 2007 *.docx
document. I have about 15 tables and 15 figures in my document and I'm
inserting captions for both of them. However, once I get past about 6
captions total, including tables and figures, Word just locks up. On
the 7th caption, I can bring up the insert caption dialog box and type
about 25 characters before Word locks up. I've disabled all add-ins
and that helped a little. As an absolute last resort, I'll number my
captions manually, but I would really like the caption feature to

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Pamelia Caswell via

First make sure the document has been repaired by running open and repair.
Note what Word says it repaired. That might be helpful if you need to come
back for help.

For the next steps, I only have workarounds that only _might_ help as I
cannot reproduce the problem.

1. Do not type your caption in the Caption dialog. Instead insert only the
label and number through the dialog and type the caption in the text.


2. Copy an early label and number to the clipboard. Type the caption and
apply the caption style. Insert the label and number from the clipboard at
the start of the caption. The number will not be correct but switching to
print preview and back to print layout will update them all at once.

If Word still fails, write back. You may need to edit or delete something in
documents & settings or the registry. I'll not be able to help you with that,
but someone here might. Yours is the third or fourth caption numbering
problem I've seen in the past couple months. Perhaps you could notify
Microsoft of the problem.

Funny, the saying "everything is point of view" is so true in Word. Most of
the documents I receive to edit or format have captions already in place, but
they need to be auto numbered and styled. So it has never occurred to me to
type the caption into the caption box. I regularly use one of the two methods


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