captions on pictures



I'm trying to figure out how to put a caption on a
picture. The problem is that I want the caption below the
picture but the picture is sideways relative to the page.

I nearly did it by accident, but I need help figuring out
what I did because I can't do this on purpose.

What I did was I inserted the graphic, then created the
caption. Then I created a text box and word
automatically put the picture and caption within. Then
when I rotate the text sideways, the caption appears in
the right position (or at least in the right
orientation). But once the caption and the picture are in
the text box, the picture can't be rotated, and I can't
figure out how to put the two items in the text box
together after I rotate the picture. When I try to copy
and paste them in, Word tells me it's impossible. So, I
would like to know how to have insert a text box around
two items.

An alternate way that I figured out was to create a text
box for the caption only and then place it under the
picture. My problem there is that I am not sure how to
align the text box with the picture (left or center) so
that it looks professional. Also, this method takes a
lot more steps, and I may have to do it many times.

Any suggestions?



Word Heretic

G'day "Carla" <[email protected]>,

pre-rotate the picture using a gfx app like Photo Editor.

Carla said:
I'm trying to figure out how to put a caption on a
picture. The problem is that I want the caption below the
picture but the picture is sideways relative to the page.

I nearly did it by accident, but I need help figuring out
what I did because I can't do this on purpose.

What I did was I inserted the graphic, then created the
caption. Then I created a text box and word
automatically put the picture and caption within. Then
when I rotate the text sideways, the caption appears in
the right position (or at least in the right
orientation). But once the caption and the picture are in
the text box, the picture can't be rotated, and I can't
figure out how to put the two items in the text box
together after I rotate the picture. When I try to copy
and paste them in, Word tells me it's impossible. So, I
would like to know how to have insert a text box around
two items.

An alternate way that I figured out was to create a text
box for the caption only and then place it under the
picture. My problem there is that I am not sure how to
align the text box with the picture (left or center) so
that it looks professional. Also, this method takes a
lot more steps, and I may have to do it many times.

Any suggestions?



Steve Hudson

Word Heretic, Sydney, Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words for you.
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Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Carla,
I'm trying to figure out how to put a caption on a
picture. The problem is that I want the caption below the
picture but the picture is sideways relative to the page.
This works for me (Word 2003, but should also work in 2002
if you almost had it, before):
1. Insert/Picture/From File (on my system it inserted
in-line with the text)

2. Make sure it's selected, then: Drawing
toolbar/Draw/rotate or flip/rotate 90°

3. Edit/Copy (or cut) the picture

4. Drawing toolbar: draw a text box the size you want

5. PASTE the picture into the text box (at this point, I had
to resize it)

6. Make sure the cursor is blinking after the picture; press

7. Insert/Reference/caption

8. Now rotate the text in the textbox

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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