after lettiing it rest a few days, I found that opening the movies
propertities tables and setting the close function at the end of the moving
allowed it to transition to the power point mode and they the slide
transition timing can be done there.
That's one answer so far. and if one wants to jump to a specific slide it
would be better taken at the power point slide mode at that same time rather
than trying to jump out from within the captivate mode as there is a function
that will or suppose to let you do that but it doesn't seem to be a quick as
aforementioned method.
Good piece of information here so log it down.
Echo S said:
If you set the slide transition to 00 seconds, does that work? If not, does
setting it to, oh, maybe 1 second longer than the SWF work?
presenter, PPT Live '05
Sept 25-28, San Diego
Dennis said:
automatically would be best since power point is my controlling presentation
software. Once it jumps to the next slide then I can direct what to do from
there. It kind of like "KISS".
Does the slide need to move automatically or on a mouse click?
presenter, PPT Live '05
Sept 25-28, San Diego
I have inserted a captivate movie file swf that starts and ends properly but
cannot get the movies to exit and jump to the next slide to continue the poer
point presentation. Have seen afew discussions here but they dealt with
resetting an swf which I don't need but to exit or jump to the next frame of
the power point presentation when movie is finished.