Gwen H
Is there a way, using a macro, to capture the contents of a field and use it
in a macro, either with the macro itself, SQL, or VBA?
I have a macro that runs 15 different reports and outputs them to a file.
I'd like to be able to use the value in one of the fields on the reports as
part of the filename. I've looked all over these discussion groups and in all
my reference books. Either I'm not using the right search criteria, or the
answer isn't there.
Gwen H
in a macro, either with the macro itself, SQL, or VBA?
I have a macro that runs 15 different reports and outputs them to a file.
I'd like to be able to use the value in one of the fields on the reports as
part of the filename. I've looked all over these discussion groups and in all
my reference books. Either I'm not using the right search criteria, or the
answer isn't there.
Gwen H