Capturing actuals



Hello everyone,

I'm interested in how successful you've been at having your project
resources enter actuals in terms of:

Compliance with entry (% of team members entering actuals)
Value of the data - are you using the data and if so for what
Whether you're using admin projects as well - Yes/No
The type of projects you work on (Computer Hardware, Software, Engineering,
Construction, etc)

Or if you chose not to collect actuals, why?

Thanks in advance for your response.



John -

Good questions.

Compliance with entry (% of team members entering actuals) - A lot
depends on policy. In some places, it's voluntary, but the PMs push
the teams to do it. In those situations, I have seen as low as 50%.
In places where the policy is that you will use the system, then
compliance approached 100%, especially where there is reporting in
place to enforce it (bad boy reports). Some of this also depends on
what tracking method is being used.

Value of the data - Where compliance is good, the value of the data is
very good. On my current engagement, the data is used to apportion
project costs, and to verify that team resources are doing the work
they are supposed to be doing and putting in some minimum number of

Admin Projects - I used to be ambivalent about admin projects, but I
have grown to like them. My current engagement doesn't use them but is
planning on doing it. My last engagement does use them and they use
the Micrsoft template.

Type of Project - IT, hardware and software and maintenance.

If you have any other questions, let me know. You can email me at

Mark Everett | PMP

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