capturing and setting the page of a control tab


Paul Ponzelli

What VBA expression can I use to get (and also set) the page of a tab

When I open a form that has a tab control, I would like the tab control to
display the last page that was displayed before the form was last closed. I
know how to store a value in a configuration or system table, but what I
can't figure out is how to obtain that value from the form. I've tried
various combinations of the Page, Pages and PageIndex properties, but I
can't get it to work.

If the form is named myForm and the tab control is named ctlMyTabControl,
how can I write an expression that will return the current page displayed in
the form's tab control?

Thanks in advance,


Rob Parker

Hi Paul,

The tab control's value property contains the currently displayed page of
the control. So, to save it, simply save:

To change the page via code, use a statement such as:
Me.ctlMyTabControl.Value = 2
This example would cause the third page of the tab control to gain focus,
since the Value is a zero-based index.



shanesullaway via

Your welcome. Maybe it will come in handy somewhere along the way.


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