Capturing email address from a sent report

  • Thread starter angelinarose via
  • Start date

angelinarose via

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had any solutions on how to you can capture an
email address from a report you send with outlook. I have a report that has a
macro that sends it to a single address. I want to capture who the report is
send to before it is sent. is there anyway to do this?
thank so much,

angelinarose via

Macro - send object Email message comes up with copy of report attached. As
it sends report I want it to capture the recipient's address. Or maybe is
there away to choose the address from a table with the address in it?
thanks in advance
Angel said:
How are you sending the report? Is it from Access? If so, where are you
getting the email address - grab it there?

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had any solutions on how to you can capture an
[quoted text clipped - 3 lines]
thank so much,

bhicks11 via

Hi Angelina,

So you must be manually entering the address? Yes, you can choose it from a
Here's a copy of a little bit of code I use to send out a pdf I produce from
a form. As you can see, I have a form (ordersfrm) with a control called
EmailAdd with the Email address (bound to the table). I am using automation
with the SendMessage2 Function but you can use DoCmd.SendObject.

On Error GoTo Err_Command7_Click
Dim morder As String
Dim mestimate As String

mestimate = "C:\ABC\Estimate.pdf"
If IsNull(Forms!ordersfrm.EmailAdd) Then
MsgBox "There is no email address for this customer!"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Estimate", acViewNormal
SendMessage2 True, mestimate
End If

Exit Sub

If IsNull(Forms!ordersfrm.EmailAdd) Then
MsgBox "There is no email address for this customer!"
End If
'MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command7_Click

Macro - send object Email message comes up with copy of report attached. As
it sends report I want it to capture the recipient's address. Or maybe is
there away to choose the address from a table with the address in it?
thanks in advance
How are you sending the report? Is it from Access? If so, where are you
getting the email address - grab it there?
[quoted text clipped - 7 lines]

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