Capturing Network User IDs in a Table/Database



Currently I have a "personnel" table that captures the
individuals name, title, etc. When I want only
one "survey" response per individual, I request that they
select their name from the table that is a look-up.

What I would LOVE to do, is capture their user ID which
they have to log onto the PC/network to access the survey.
If I can capture their user ID, then if they fill out a
survey, I can allow them to preview/change their survey
only, OR allow them to add a survey if they have not
already done so.

Thank you for any input.

Traci Frazer


Try this function:

' Code
' This service defines the Library routine to fetch the Network UserName.
'Rev Num Date Author Description of Change
'------- -------- ------ ----------------------------------------------
' 001 03/01/99 ash Code Courtesy of Dev Ashish
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _
Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpbuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

' This service returns the Network UserName.
' None.
'Rev Num Date Author Description of Change
'------- -------- ------ ----------------------------------------------
' 001 03/01/99 ash Code Courtesy of Michael Kaplan
Public Function ReturnUserName() As String
On Error Resume Next

Dim sBuffer As String
Dim lSize As Long
Dim Status As Long

sBuffer = String$(254, 0)
lSize = Len(sBuffer)

Status = GetUserName(sBuffer, lSize)
If Status <> 0 Then
ReturnUserName = left$(sBuffer, lSize - 1)
ReturnUserName = vbNullString
End If

End Function


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