Capturing pointer locations



Has anyone had any success capturing pointer locations
within Excel? According to "MouseDown, MouseUp Events"
within Help, when you click on "Applies To", both events
should apply to a UserForm, so the following should allow
you to capture the pointer location of a UserForm:

Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
MsgBox X
MsgBox Y
End Sub

However, this does not work, and when you read Help
for "MouseDown" alone, it supposedly only applies to a
chart object.

I would like to capture the mouse location on a
spreadsheet and also a UserForm, so has anyone been able
to do this?


Bernie Deitrick


Mousedown certainly works for me.

Where are you putting your code? Since it is a userform event, the code for it must go into the userform's codemodule and not a
standard module. All but the Msgbox lines should autogenerate when you select the userform's codemodule's MouseDown event.

Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, _
ByVal Shift As Integer, _
ByVal X As Single, _
ByVal Y As Single)
MsgBox "X of the click: " & X
MsgBox "Y of the click: " & Y
End Sub

Excel MVP

Tom Ogilvy

I don't believe Bernie showed:

Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)

Your button shift x and y are variants which doesn't match what is expected.

He showed:

Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, _
ByVal Shift As
Integer, _
ByVal X As
Single, _
ByVal Y As
MsgBox "X of the click: " & X
MsgBox "Y of the click: " & Y
End Sub

So use it as he posted it. You are not defining the event - it is already
defined. That is why it is always best to select the event from the
dropdowns and let excel put in the declaration.

Your code worked fine for me when I substituted Bernie's event code.

Tom Ogilvy

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