Card Files Category and emails



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: imap

I have multiple contacts listed, but did so with the only link between them is a common category that I created. I want to send an email to all in that specific category. Is there a way to do this outside of making all the contacts names into one big email category?

Greg Downs MD

Diane Ross

I have multiple contacts listed, but did so with the only link between them is
a common category that I created. I want to send an email to all in that
specific category. Is there a way to do this outside of making all the
contacts names into one big email category?

Sort by category. Select create new group. Add all to the group. Save group.
To address, type in name of group. It's generally best to send as BCC rather
than using the To line. Place your name in To.

Tip: add a category group: xxx to those contacts. If you ever need to export
a group, you can export by group: xxx.

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