carriage return automatically added to text

  • Thread starter Jon White at CNR
  • Start date

Jon White at CNR

I am creating an org chart in Visio 2003. In each box, when I type in some
text, a carriage return is automatically added to the end of the text. This
means that the text cannot be centered vertically within the box, instead, it
is always up towards the top of the box. Back spacing or deleting the
carriage return has no effect, as it is automatically re-added when you click
outside the selected box, etc. Does anyone know how to disable this
behaviour by default? Thank you!


John Marshall, MVP

A familiar problem.

The default for the text in the shapes in the OrgChart Solution is to have
two fields, Name and Title. If you enter a single line, it takes that as the
Name and leaves the Title blank and adds a carriage return before the blank

The information for each shape is stored in each shapes custom properties.
The displayed text is based on these custom properties and information the
Org Chart wizard has about how to display the shapes.

You can go into the Options dialog from The Organization menu and change
what gets displayed in the shape. The down side is that this applies to all
shapes and you can not have a mixture of shapes with names and shapes with
Name and Title. You may be able to cheat by hiding the Title and using a
multi -line Name.

John... Visio MVP

Jon White at CNR

Yes, that worked. Very logical, once you realize what it's doing. Thank you
for your reply!


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