Carriage Return Character


Burt Rosner

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm looking for a way to put a carriage return character
into a memo field.

Does anyone know what the ASCII character is for a
carriage return. If you do, it would save me a lot of
time trying to figure it out.




From the Access 2000 Help File (Search on Character Set):

* *Values 8, 9, 10, and 13 convert to backspace, tab, linefeed, and carriage
return characters, respectively. They have no graphical representation but,
depending on the application, can affect the visual display of text.

Burt Rosner

Thanks. I used Chr(10) and it worked just fine.
-----Original Message-----
From the Access 2000 Help File (Search on Character Set):

* *Values 8, 9, 10, and 13 convert to backspace, tab, linefeed, and carriage
return characters, respectively. They have no graphical representation but,
depending on the application, can affect the visual display of text.


Van T. Dinh

I would recommend using Chr(13) & Chr(10) in this order. Chr(10) many not
be enough in a number of application software.

Burt Rosner

Thanks I'll do it that way.

-----Original Message-----
I would recommend using Chr(13) & Chr(10) in this order. Chr(10) many not
be enough in a number of application software.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)


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