carriage return in shapesheet function



I'm concatenating several custom properties and then displaying them in a
Shape.Text by using a field. I'd like each separate entry to be on its own
I've tried things like:
=prop.row1 & chr(13) & prop.row2
but I just get an error.
There "should" be a way to do this, right?


Unfortunately, it seems impossible.
There might be left only one way of adjusting width of text block and
inserting some quantities of space character.

Nikolay Belyh

Are you talking about "insert field" command and "custom formula"?
In this case you should use CHAR(10) instead of Chr(13).

Like this:

You cna find the full list of functions you can use in formulas in
Visio help (shape functions section)

Kind regards, Nikolay.

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