Carriage return within a cell



I would need to skip a line (i.e. move the cursor to the start of the next
return, as when feeding a carriage return), when I'm typing a multiline cell.
Any idea how to do this please?

Bernard Liengme

Hold ALT key, then pres ENTER key
Sometime you need to format the cell to permit "Warp Text" (on the Alignment
best wsihes

Bob Phillips

Type Alt-Enter



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

challa prabhu


Do the following:
1. Click a Cell
2. Press F2 to enter text and then Press Alt+Enter. This will add a new line
and accordingly extend the widh of the cell.

Note: Pressing Alt+Enter inserts a paragraph at the end of the sentence.
Therefore, you can use different font name, font size, color and other
attributes to each word in a sentence.

Important: There is no Show All icon available in Excel to view the hidden
character in the worksheet.

Challa Prabhu

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