Carry Over Data in a Subform(SingleForm) within a Subform



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I have a subform within a subform
for adding multiple Job Contacts(tblsitecontacts) for each Job
(tblJobOrderInfo). The parent subform is within a Main form containing
Employer Information(tblEmployerInformation).

Some jobs have more than one contact and some employers have more than one
job order. When the contact info is the exact same for each job order an
employer has, I would like to be able to copy or carry over the previous job
order contact information......

I tried both of these solutions,, and They work beautifully from one
record to the next in the ContactInfosubform. However, if the user goes to
enter a new job order in the PositionInformationsubform(SingleForm) the
ContactInfosubform(SingleForm) within the PositionInformationSubform stays
blank. For example: Joes Cafe has a job order for a waitress. This is the
position information in the subform within the Employer Information Main Form.

The contact info for this position is Joe Blow (phone, address, fax # etc.)
and goes in the ContactInfo subform within the PositionInformationSubform.
Joes Cafe is now posting an open position for Cook. The user clicks on the
add new position button in the PositionInformationSubform and adds the new
position information for Cook, but the contact info for the position of Cook
is exactly the same as the contact info for the job order Waitress and I
want that to automatically fill in within the ContactInfosubform.

Can that be done?

Thank you for your time

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