carry records forward in sub-sub form



I have a main form FrmCarrier, containing a subform SubFrmRecording. This subform itself contains a continuous subform SubFrmExecutant.
These forms are linked through the fields CarrierID (FrmCarrierand SubFrmRecording) and RecordingID (SubFrmRecording and SubFrmExecutant) respectively.
The underlying tables are TblCarrier, TblRecording and TblExecutant. These have a cascading 1-many relationship with referential integrity enforced. All have autonumbering main keys.

When an object CmboExecutant in the SubFrmExecutant has the focus, what I want to accomplish with a button in the SubFrmExecutant form header is the following:

1. go back to the previous RecordingID (under the same CarrierID) and copy all the ExecutantID records that are there
2. come back to the next RecordingID
3. paste all the executantID records under that RecordingID.

I would prefer to use a DAO recordset to accomplish this. I fiddled around in vba but i am unable to get there.

Would any kind soul enlighten me ?

regards, Hannibal

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Allen Browne

This article explains how to duplicate a record in a form and all its child
records in the subform:
Duplicate the record in form and subform

If you put the button on the SubFrmRecording, it would duplicate the active
record in this form, and all the related records in your sub-subform.

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