Carrying values of cells to other sheets



I have a list of employees of which I do scheduling for.

I have a weekly outlook, of which i assign shifts. Includes all day
of the week and a time of which they come in at.

I have other sheets of which I break down the daily schedule.

I have all names listed in columms B, and times are listed betwee

I want to have it where, if there is a value in C, which represent
monday, it will read the name in the row B, place it in the schedul
sheet "Monday" and then its corrosponding time in row C.

I would repeate this for all days.

I just need the formula of which I could do this.

All help is greatly appreciated.

For example

On sheet Schedule. B7 value is Louis C7 is 1130.

when i do a range C7-C20 it finds that there is a value 1130, I want i
to pull the name B7 to another sheet.

If this is confusing I am sorry, I am basically trying to create
simple custom excel worksheet.

Thanks for all your help

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