I guess I didn't understand the cascade delete functionality. I was under
the impression that if you delete a record using the masterform, that it
would delete it from all related tables. I see I was Wrong!
The reason I wanted it to be able to delete it from all tables is if I had a
case where something was entered in incorrectly, I wanted them to be able to
go into the database and delete it from all tables. For instance, if
someone entered in the wrong UserID or AppName, I wanted them to be able to
delete that information and possibly start over. I want to be able to run
reports on valid data. Is there some other way I can achieve that
functionality. I just don't want wrong data to be entered into the tables.
I understand that it deletes it from the many side but is it possible to
delete it from the one side. Please help me to understand this better.
Thanks John
I'm not sure I understand.
Suppose you have a userID for a user who appears in many main table records.
If there is one main table record which has that user entered in error, you
surely don't need to *DELETE THAT USER*? If you do so, then all of the *other*
main table records referencing that user would also need to be deleted, or
would become "orphan" records because they have a link to a nonexistant user!
If you have a main table record with an incorrect UserID, you can simply open
the form and use the combo box to select the correct userID. It's not
necessary to delete anything - just correct what's there.
And... "don't want wrong data to be entered" may simply be beyond the
capabilities of ANY computer program, just due to human nature. If there is a
choice of users, or a choice of AppNames; and any one of the choices is a
legitimate entry; there is *nothing* that Access can do to prevent a user from
selecting the wrong choice. The only way around it would be to have all of the
data already selected so there is only one choice provided, the right one...
but who gets to set THAT database up!?
John W. Vinson [MVP]