Cascading Drop Down Based On Two Variables



OK...I've spent the last few hours wrecking my brain on this and feel
that I am completely overlooking something that is staring me in the
face. That's where all the brains here will hopefully come in handy.
What I need to do is filter the Account names based on the type of
Estimate that is selected from a dropdown menu. When created, each
account is tagged as either Commercial or Residential. What I would
like to do is have the form setup so that if you choose "Commercial
Estimate", only comercial accounts show up in the dropdown menu.
Likewise, when "Residential Estimate" is selected from the dropdown,
only residential accounts show up in the dropdown menu. I have already
setup the Contacts dropdown to filter based on their association with
a chosen account but I cannot (for the life of me) filter the accounts
based on the estimate type. The only difference as far as the data
sources used to filter the dropdowns is that the accounts, contacts
and sites are stored in a Form Library on a SP site while the estimate
types are manually entered into the dropdown properties settings.

So as my subject hints at, I need to be able to filter the accounts by
their "commercial" and "residential" tag as well as the request type

Here's a quick screenshot of the top of the form I'm working with (I
think this helps way more than people think):

Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.


My bad....let's try this image tag instead:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="http://
CustomerRequestFormHeadercopy.gif" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and
Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

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