Cascading Dropdowens


Jonathon Mirza

Hi all Im New Here

Ive searched through the forum for step by step instructions on how to make
cascading dropdowens in accsess but have been unable to find any infomation i
can use
I am a student at QAC special needs college
I need to create a set of three casscading dropdown boxes for an ict progect
im working on
im pretty much self tought with computers and understand most things about
computer config in geniral but the movre advanced side to office offten gets
me a bit espeshiallyh when it comes to the coding as i know next to nothing
about vb
if any one could post a step by step guide on creating cascadiong drop dowen
boxes in accsess i would be veryt grateful

on a side note while looking for infomation on how to do the above i came
across a guide on doing it in infopath, wich mentiond using an xml file for
the data src

now from what i understand of xml it is a very usefull thing to use for many
diffrent reasons and due to the scope involved in the ict progect im doing i
have set about creating an xml file. However as with vb i know very littile
xml so i was wandering if any one could check over my code and let me know if
im doing it right
<code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Building>BradBury Centre</Building>
<Building>Karten Centre</Building>
<Building>BradBury Centre</Building>
<Room>B110 LRC</Room>
<Building>Karten Center</Building>
<Room>B110 LRC</Room>
<Computer>User 293</Computer>
<Computer>User 294</Computer>
<Computer>User 295</Computer>
<Computer>User 296</Computer>
<Computer>User 297</Computer>
<Computer>User 298</Computer>
<Computer>User 299</Computer>
<Computer>User 300</Computer>
<Computer>User 301</Computer>
<Computer>User 302</Computer>


i know spamming is not allowed so i will say this once.

i posted this msg 2 weeks ago i am a student studying ict and do not have
much time to complete my ict project. I would expect someone to have replied
to this msg within 2 weeks but as it stand i have received no reply's. I am
in desperate need of information on cascading drop downs and would appreciate
people replying to this msg. If no one on this forum knows how to do
cascading drop downs then it should not be called Access Forum's, and i would
appreciate it if someone would let me know if this is the case. If no one has
replied to this msg by tomorrow i will be forced to conclude that this post
is at the bottom of the forum stack furthermore i feel if this is the
situation i will have to bump the post up a bit (max 5)

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