G'day Everyone
Using Excel 2K - 2K3 compatible format
Range("G5:G2004") is setup with DateTime Picker.
Was hoping to setup a Case Select Statement
Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("'2008'!G5:G2004")) Is Nothing Then
' I have used the [Between] & [And], and the # around the dates as I use
this in Access and thought it easier to express what I am attempting to
Case Select
IF("'2008'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Jan-08# [And] #31-Jan-08#,
ElseIF ("'2008'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Feb-08# [And] *#28-Feb-08#,
ElseIF ("'208'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Mar-08# [And] #31-Mar-08#,
And so on upto "DEC"
the bracketed [] comments are for explaination clarity only, they are not
*no automation is required for leap year as code will be updated annually
when new sheet is created.
I look for to any suggestions
Using Excel 2K - 2K3 compatible format
Range("G5:G2004") is setup with DateTime Picker.
Was hoping to setup a Case Select Statement
Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("'2008'!G5:G2004")) Is Nothing Then
' I have used the [Between] & [And], and the # around the dates as I use
this in Access and thought it easier to express what I am attempting to
Case Select
IF("'2008'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Jan-08# [And] #31-Jan-08#,
ElseIF ("'2008'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Feb-08# [And] *#28-Feb-08#,
ElseIF ("'208'!G5:G2004"=[Between] #01-Mar-08# [And] #31-Mar-08#,
And so on upto "DEC"
the bracketed [] comments are for explaination clarity only, they are not
*no automation is required for leap year as code will be updated annually
when new sheet is created.
I look for to any suggestions