Case Statement Format for getting cell value from a worksheet



Good Afternoon,

I need to create a series of Case conditions based on the value of a cell on
a certain worksheet in my open workbook..For the life of me I cannot get the
syntax right and I'd appreciate any help i could get.

My condition is on a worksheet named "Lookup_Values" Cell "M3" is a value
used as a case condition. what I want to do is retrive that value and use it
to compare against each case like below.

RPT_Date = ("Lookup_Values!M3")

Select Case True
Case RPT_Date = "January"
Perform my actrions
Exit Sub

Case RPT_Date = "Febuary"
Perform my actrions
Exit Sub
End Select

I appreciate any help in showing me the error of my ways, and again Thank
You in advance.


Mike H

Look at your other post

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the

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