Using Access 2003 SP3
I'm running debug and when f is > 259 (3rd and 4th case), 2nd case keeps
getting calculated.
Select Case f
Case Is < 10
RE102_Spec = 56
Case Is >= 10 <= 259
RE102_Spec = 56 + 20 * Log10(f / 10)
Case Is > 259 < 10000
RE102_Spec = 46 + 18 * Log10(f / 259)
Debug.Print f; ", " & RE102_Spec
Case Is >= 10000
RE102_Spec = 76
End Select
Debug.Print f; "* " & RE102_Spec
I'm running debug and when f is > 259 (3rd and 4th case), 2nd case keeps
getting calculated.
Select Case f
Case Is < 10
RE102_Spec = 56
Case Is >= 10 <= 259
RE102_Spec = 56 + 20 * Log10(f / 10)
Case Is > 259 < 10000
RE102_Spec = 46 + 18 * Log10(f / 259)
Debug.Print f; ", " & RE102_Spec
Case Is >= 10000
RE102_Spec = 76
End Select
Debug.Print f; "* " & RE102_Spec