Categories and textlength of 255 chars


Alexander Mueller


I need to find a solution for allowing to write more
then 255 chars into the Category-Prop of an contact-item
(Appointment ). From what i've read on the web the field
is limited to 255 chars. Is it correct?
Is there way to extend the fields width somehow?
As an alternative, one could create a userdefind-prop of
type text, that does not have that limit.
Will the normal search mask of outlook also search through user-define
props? I heard it didn't, only advanced search would, is that true?

As this happens in a domain with an exchange server
and ~400 users, what are the requirements for letting all users
share the same user-defined props? Afaik user-props are stored in the
registry so one needs to write/append the new prop to the very
registry-key. Is that all there is to do?

Is there also a VBA-workaround? I thought of something like shortening
categories to 1 or 2 letters, and then map the characters to the real
meaning/text in the forms_load event. th eprop is that Outlook forms
don't seem to expose sees kind of events or do they?


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