Categories are not shown in Exchange Calender



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am connected to a Exchange Server of my workgroup. Every colleage has a different color in our common calendar. Using Outlook I don´t have any problem, but with entourage, the colors are not automatically assigned to the events in the common calender. What can I do?

Thank you.

William Smith [MVP]

I am connected to a Exchange Server of my workgroup. Every colleage
has a different color in our common calendar. Using Outlook I don´t
have any problem, but with entourage, the colors are not
automatically assigned to the events in the common calender. What can
I do?

Entourage currently doesn't support syncing categories with Exchange.
Microsoft will soon release a version of Entourage that will be
compatible with the Exchange Web Services (EWS) protocol on Exchange
Server 2007 but until then you have no options.

Keep an eye on the Mac Mojo blog for future announcements
<>. We'll also post information as soon
as it's available on the Entourage Help Blog.



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