Categories & Groups



I think I understand the difference between groups and categories for
building security with Project Server 2007 but can you tell me what the
difference is here?

When I look in the "My Direct Reports" category, I see that Administrators
is part of this category. This leads me to believe that users in the
Administrators group will be able to see options related to the "My Direct
Reports" category.

When I look in the "Administrators" group, I see that "My Direct Reports"
and all of the other categories have been assigned to Administrators.

So my question is....if I remove Administrators from the category but then
go into the Administrators group and add the category - who wins? Thanks!

Paul Conroy

As there are many ways to skin a cat, there are many ways to manage security
in PS2007.

If you remove admins from the category and add the category to the security
group, you won't have made any changes at all.

Generally, admins should belong to the Admin security group, which in turn
should be assciated with the "My Organisation" category. Providing the
default permissions have not been changed, this is the only required setting
needed to give them full access throughout the server. Membership to all
other security groups and categories could be removed with no effect (again
assuming the default permissions are in place).

Check out the following links for more info on security Server 2007/Explained/Security

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