Just a general note for everyone's edification w/ regard to the following two
PSI errors:
Error #1:
Name: CustomFieldInvalidTypeColumnFilledIn
Error #2:
Name: CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided
In my case, I got these errors when the CF in question had been defined as
using a Lookup Table and I was attempting to set the CF's TEXT_VALUE property
rather than its CODE_VALUE property.
Just thought I'd post my experience since there seems to be so little
elaboration available of the brief PSI error explanations found in the PSI
PSI errors:
Error #1:
Name: CustomFieldInvalidTypeColumnFilledIn
Error #2:
Name: CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided
In my case, I got these errors when the CF in question had been defined as
using a Lookup Table and I was attempting to set the CF's TEXT_VALUE property
rather than its CODE_VALUE property.
Just thought I'd post my experience since there seems to be so little
elaboration available of the brief PSI error explanations found in the PSI