causing the bakground in excel to flash on an event



I'd like to cause the background in the excel window to flash when a
particular event happens. I'm really new when it comes to VBA programming and
a total self-taught novice. I think I need to somehow change the
vbWindowBackground but I'm not sure a) if that is correct and b) how to go
about doing that. Here's the basic problem: I wrote a small app that displays
a form and allows a user to enter a number in a text box an have the form
display a countdown based on the number entered. I want to "flash" the
background a few times at particular intervals and then again at the end of
the timer (sort of silent alarms). I have my code setup to trip boolean
variables at the intervals and test against the variables to see if the
variable is currently true... when true... do something when not... do
nothing... the problem is I don't know how to tell it to change the
background color on the window (the worksheet is minimized so all the user
sees is the blue background of the window. Can this be done? If so, how?
Ideally i'd like to flash it red and then return to the default blue. Your
help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your response. I'm actually not looking for information on
blinking the background of a cell or the text within the cell. I'm actually
looking for information on blinking or flashing the background of the window
while the spreadsheet is minimized within. Any idea how to do that? I thought
it might have something to do with vbWindowBackground but I'm not sure. Any
help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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