Caveates with Project Server 2003 & WSS


Tim Myers

These are some that i've run into. Please feel free post any that you have

1. If you modify a users logon name it will automaticly reset the password
to blank.

2. If you do not have an email address in the site owner field on the site
provisioning settings page under Manage Windows SharePoint Services, project
server will not be able to automaticly create sites for new projects and you
will be unable to manually create sites.

3. If you uncheck integrated windows authentication for the site under IIS,
project server will be unable to communicate with WSS.

Jim Barnes

In wss, when you edit the url to create sites under when some sites already
exist under the previous URL, the previous sites no longer work - all url's
for all sites are changed to the new default url and you can't change them
back using the "edit site address" feature as the new default url is
prepended to the string you can enter and this can not be overridden. An
example might help: if you create a site under the recommended "/sites" path,
then change the path to something like "/projects", the url for the existing
site will be changed to from "servername/sites/project1" to
"servername/projects/project1". This url is not valid, and any existing
documents in the previous project site can not be accessed, but they are not
deleted from the database. Further, if you go into the "edit site address"
option, you are restricted to entering a site name under
"http://servername/projects/" and can not change this to
"http://servername/sites" from this dialog. additionally, the public
documents site url is changed as well, with the same effect. Changint he
default url in WSS back to "/sites" restores all urls and access to all
related projects sites, libraries, etc. This sucks.

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