cboBox palced on another control.



Hello all,
I have devised a way to get the month
value from the Calendar control...and thats to just place my own cboBo
over the Calendar control cboBox in order to do exactly what I want i
to do. However, despite coding the onload/form open event of the for
to set the focus on the new cboBox, the Calendar hides it. I want thi
new cboBox placed directly over the calendar controls month cboBo
because it refuses to do as I wish, but now I can't even use my ow
cboBox. Can anyone suggest a way to get around this problem please ?



Hi Craig,

In design view, select the combo box you want on top. Then go to the
format menu and select "Bring to Front". Also, make sure the combo box is
1st in the "tab order" list.

Btw, I've never heard of the method you are using. Can you be more
specific about what you want the combo box to do? There may be a better




Hi Jake....
Thanks for your help. I am sure there is a better way to
do this but the calendar control is limited in what it
can do. I am trying to use the Cal controls month cboBox
to trigger a event, like query the data on a subform, but
there does'nt seem to be a afterUpdate event for that
controls cboBox so i'm trying to create my own cboBox and
place it over the top of the calendar controls cboBox.
Any ideas how I can avoid this with some clever coding
for the calendar control itself ?

Thanks again,

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