CD Key Functionality



I am interested in implementing a CD Key style installation process for my
Access application.

Currently I use a procedure to write a key to the registry during
installation and require a matching key be entered by the user during
installation. Actually, the registry key is also embedded into the program
code and I check the key against the embedded code and the key that is
entered by the user as part of the installation. In this way, the
installation checks all three keys and during a normal progam launch the
registry must match that of the embedded key. Now with the keys matching, a
user must email with a registration information or the program disables some
of its functionality until a new key value is sent upon a valid
registration. On this registration, I send a application update which
writes a new key in the program and registry. I maintain a database that
records the key associated with a registered user.

Is there a better way for me to offer at least some protection of the
applicaton or should I even be wasting time and effort for something some
theif will get if they want something bad enough? I realize I cannot
prevent crime, I just want to make a little more difficulty for those in the
bail bond business who attempt comprimise my work by installing multiple
copies of one purchase license.

If this post could be better suited in another group, please inform me and I
will repost in a more appropriate group.


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