CD Tray?


Charlotte E.

Is it possible to DETECT weather the CD tray of a given CD/DVD ROM drive is
open or closed via Excel VBA?

I can find a number of macros out there, which open or close the CD Tray,
but is it possible to create a UDF that DETECTS if the tray is open?




As far as I know, it is only possible to detect if the drive is ready :

Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If fso.getdrive("d:").IsReady = True Then
MsgBox "drive with CD inside"
MsgBox "no CD or tray open"
End If


Charlotte E.

Thanks, Daniel,

But, I already knew about that one - only problem is that it does not quite
do what I want...

I figure that some sort of API call/programming is required, but that's a
point where I'm absolutely lost...

So, I'm still hoping that one of all the VBA/API sharks in here can solve
this one for me :)

Thanks, anyway, Daniel :)

Dave Peterson

If you don't get an answer in the Excel newsgroups, you may want to post in a VB
newsgroup. Remember to include that you're code will be in Excel's VBA (and
include the excel version).

They may even tweak the code to work in VBA.

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