Rainer Rosenberger
I've installed Exchange Server 5.5 SP4 and additionally CDO Hotfix KB818709
solving interworking problems with Outlook 2003. CDO works fine as long as I
use OL Xp or ealier or do not start OL 2003 on the same development system.
If OL2003 is started then the following simple CDO code crashes OL 2003 when
accessing the basic session properties:
Dim oCdoSession: Set oCdoSession CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
oCdoSession.Logon "", "", False, False
msgbox oCdoSession.Name & " " & oCdoSession.CurentUser.Name
After OL crashes the oCdoSession ist still active and working. The OL crash
shown in the event log looks like:
Bucket 124812399, bucket table 1,
Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937,
faulting module msmapi32.dll, version 11.0.6361.0,
stamp 40da1177, debug? 0, fault address 0x000024c5.
It seems that CDO is incompatible with the MSMAPI32.DLL comming with OL2003.
Any suggestions? Regards, Rainer Rosenberger
I've installed Exchange Server 5.5 SP4 and additionally CDO Hotfix KB818709
solving interworking problems with Outlook 2003. CDO works fine as long as I
use OL Xp or ealier or do not start OL 2003 on the same development system.
If OL2003 is started then the following simple CDO code crashes OL 2003 when
accessing the basic session properties:
Dim oCdoSession: Set oCdoSession CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
oCdoSession.Logon "", "", False, False
msgbox oCdoSession.Name & " " & oCdoSession.CurentUser.Name
After OL crashes the oCdoSession ist still active and working. The OL crash
shown in the event log looks like:
Bucket 124812399, bucket table 1,
Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937,
faulting module msmapi32.dll, version 11.0.6361.0,
stamp 40da1177, debug? 0, fault address 0x000024c5.
It seems that CDO is incompatible with the MSMAPI32.DLL comming with OL2003.
Any suggestions? Regards, Rainer Rosenberger